Goblin Layer 0.54 Release!
Randomly stumbled over this? Here's the tldr:Goblin Layer is an nsfw parody Adventure with a large cast of characters, humor, animations and more!
0.54 Will-it-Blend Edition!
You can download it here on Itch or on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/goblin-layer-0-105195096
⏲️ 0.54 Scenes⏲️ New! - An after-action report with Town Hall Girl a.k.a. the Mission madame.
The idea is have an interview/reporting session after each main quest, which will become gradually more intense. This is the first one.
This is also the first in-game scene rendered fully with Blender.
Note: The way she looks will probably change a bit in the future. The facial structure, like the actual model, is very close to the original.
But blender handles light, skin shading, animation etc, which leads to a different look. I'm still getting used to it, and editing stuff, so the appearance should improve as I get better (along with the camera work). This also includes the outfit(s)!
Additionally scenes in the old program actually got a subtle filter that makes everything look a bit more cartoonish, while atm the Blender scenes are 'raw' 3D. It's perfectly possible to add a similar filter to the Blender scenes though. I will put out some comparative pictures later and we can have vote on what you prefer.
⏲️ v0.54 Game Changes⏲️
Restructured Town Hall Girl's "coding". Probably not very noticable in-game, but I reduced like 11 event pages to 3. Which makes my life easier. I played through the main quests and it seems to work as it should, but let me know if there's any town hall related weirdness.
Gneral map improvements and fixes
Some dialogue touch ups
Farm Girl gets out of the way a bit quicker after the intro, so you can enter the house
Rebalance Goblina fight a bit (a bit lower health and MP).
New skill for Priestesss - gives a little TP for the whole party
Some map and a few UI touch ups
You should move in/out of the quest log a bit faster now. I had a delay in place to prevent some scripting issues. I've lowered it now, and things seem to work ok anyway, on my end.
Faster page switch in the Quest log/no fade
Improvements to the quest log
Adjustments to the Chapter Select, e.g. you get more items in some cases
Some loot adjustments, removed lockpick requirement for a chest in the watertown dungeon
Updated town Silver-Rank hall of fame, Patreon did something to the rank filters, so drop me a message if you're missing
⏲️ 0.54 Bugfixes⏲️
Fixed some typos
Fixed bug that could freeze you in the Amazon's lair/house/home/whatever
Removed frontier map from battle screen, shouldn't be there
Fixed a potential black screen bug for Gobelyne
Fixed a Gobelyne related bug
Fixed Bath Girl being called Smith Girl in the quest log
Fixed a weird quest log related bug that sent you back to the game's starting room
If you lose menu access (can't open the menu) at some point in the story, pls report. Going to the main town will fix it atm, but I'm trying to track down the exact trigger.
Get Goblin Layer (NSFW 18+)
Goblin Layer (NSFW 18+)
The unhinged story of an adventurer and his Goblin-Girl obsession.
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