Goblin Layer Version 0.44.3 Public Release!
Randomly stumbled over this? Here's the tldr: Goblin Layer is an Adult Adventure with a large cast of characters, nsfw humor, animations and more!
0.44.3 Short Changelog Edition
I accidently deleted the original changelog, but this is the tldr version based on what I remember:
Spicy Art/Scenes
Added Gobelle to the preg system (xmas special goblin) + 'art' for the finale
Added Gobelyne to the preg system (grinder goblin)
Added preg art for Gobelle, in book of offspring
Added preg art for Gobelyne, in book of offspring
For these "side-gobs", aka not part of the main quest-gobs, I added an option during the 'finish' for pregnancy, rather than making a separate scene like with the others. So basically start a scene and then there's optional cream at the end.
That's all of the current goblins in the system! Now it's time to add new ones...
Other Art/Scenes
Added offspring dialogue for Gobelle
Added offspring dialogue for Gobelyne
New Frontier Conquest mission - Ceremonial Circle!
World map visual upgrade, there's moving clouds and shit now
Town hall of fame updated
Cheat room updatd
Tileset polish
Edited the rewards for frontier conquest to work with the new loot lists.
Fixed a bug which broke the pregnancy trackers if you saved & reloaded, or quit the game. Made them persistent.
Fixed an assortment of bugs related to the preg system like:
The wrong characters face showing
Two offspring dialogues for one kid
Wrong dialogue for wrong offspring
Other Plans & Progress
In June I wanna finish up the next main quest for real. May was way too busy, but things will be chill in June I hope. Even if things have been busy, I've still managed to get in a decent bit of work in May though.
In addition to that, I'm also thinking of making a midsummer special, we already got two wintery specials, so it's time for one with better weather.
This might be a bit too ambitious, but I was thinking of having a scene with each and every one of the townswomen + party members (not at the same time though, sorry). It'll be a bit of a magical scenario, to make it work despite the protagonist's goblin disorder. If I can I'll go for a June release as well, but we'll see how it goes. Main Quest got priority.
Busts, as in the the upper body, being visisble during dialogue, is also something I wanna implement. It's pretty much industry standard for visual novels. Also well as different outfits for characters, which will affect the look of the 'bust'. It'll be a lot of work, but I think it would be a significant improvement. Busts can also have a lot of different body language & expressions, which would add to the scenes. Plus the bust can be re-used for scenes, so it'll save space in the long run, compared to separate full-screen scenes (obviously the spicy scenes would still be normal full-screen). I am open to suggestions though.
Saving should be a bit safer from now on. A lot of the restructuring is done. Not completely finished, but the worst offenders are out of the way.
Get Goblin Layer (NSFW 18+)
Goblin Layer (NSFW 18+)
The unhinged story of an adventurer and his Goblin-Girl obsession.
More posts
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- Goblin Layer 0.56 + 0.56.5 Release!Sep 02, 2024
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isn't this supposed to be version 0.44.3?
yea thanks for pointing it out, I messed up the numbering🤦