Goblin Layer 0.44.2.B Free Release
Randomly stumbled over this? Here's the tldr: Goblin Layer is an Adult Adventure with a large cast of characters, nsfw humor, animations and more!
0.44.2.B Extreme Home Makeover // Spring Cleaning Edition
There's been some significant changes...
🏡 Spicy Art/Story 🏡
Small scene in which Goblin Layer has a drink in the tavern and things escalate, can start after Amazon quest.
Added pinup(s) of of a secret character, can be found in a secret place during one of Anvil's quests (when looking for the leaves).
🏡 Normal Art/Story🏡
Bunch of sprite art updates
A tiny (it's not tiny) edit to the tileset, you probably won't notice (You will notice)
Added lore books spread out around the world, might be used in a future Town Hall quest.
Edits/Additions/removals to/from the game icons
Better fitting door for the cottage
Gneral sprite/icon/tileset clean up/touch ups
🏡 Gameplay🏡
Continuing to restructure things beyond the scenes...
There's been a shitload of edits to items, changing slots/categories/prices/bonuses/status boosts/adding new items etc...
Revamped all loot chests, using a new system for randomized loot lists. The basics are in place, but will polish it in future updates.
Some new sound effects
Clicking a key item will open it directly, instead of click->use->click, which saves you one click per item.
Clicking a weapon or armor in the inventory will take you to the equip menu
Cursor will change to a hand when hovering over an "event" (doors that go somewhere, npcs with dialogue etc, lootable objects)
The inn in Capital City will be open earlier during the watertown quest
Minor performance improvements on a few scripts
The Hubtown shops will now have less items at the start of the game, but as the story goes on, more stuff will be added
Updated hall of fame
Update cheat room
Edited the "rest at farm" to make 100% sure the whole part gets healed
Remade the final leftover maps with the new tileset
Chapter select will work slightly better with the new quest structure, still needs more polish though
Improved tileset behavior, it's still a bit janky, but I've played through the whole game for this update, so all the important places should be accessible
Many items, like potions etc, are stacking again. This means potion x3 instead of potion, potion, potion...
New loot is starting to make it's way back into the world...
Better sounds effects for a bunch of events
🏡 Bugs - Fixed🏡
Fixed a potential bug where Anvil gets blocked during the titty enlargement scene and freezes the game
Fixed an infinite potion loot bug in the Watertown Dungeon
Fixed some unequippable accessories
Fixed a bug that cancelled amazon's practice fight if you were about to win
Fixed a bug that caused the cheat skill to return even though the player disabled it at the start
Fixed (probably) a bug during Smith Girls's hammering event
Fixed a shop bug that didn't let you specify quantity
Fixed a tree that was glitching out in hubtown
Fixed a pretty big bug that involved all of map 110 going missing lol (that's the place you get the leaves with Anvil)
Fixed Amazon's Abode (cleared) being cluttered by random stuff
Fixed lots of map/tileset bugs
🏡 Bugs - Added (due to construction work)🏡
The Quest Journal/Chapter Select sidequest option needs to be updated to use new variables
Some maps might be (will be) kinda wonky at the moment. There's a 87.6% chance of you clipping through an object or something at least once. I'll appreciate any bug reports! If screenshotting/describing takes too much time, just mention which map had the problem.
This will all be sorted out in due time of course.
🏡 In other news🏡
Upscaling textures for 3d models
Updated light shader
I've had a lot of low quality assets for the models, which I am now in the process of either upscaling or replacing
Did a complete playthrough, incl sidequests, of the game to hunt for bugs.
I think this'll be last update for April, as I got some other irl deadlines approaching, see you again in May! Next up I'm gonna polish the new maps and systems, add in Gobelyne & Gobelle to the preg system, and finish the next main quest - hopefully ready for release in May, but it depends on how much free time I've got.
Get Goblin Layer (NSFW 18+)
Goblin Layer (NSFW 18+)
The unhinged story of an adventurer and his Goblin-Girl obsession.
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