Goblin Layer 0.33 Free Release! Changelog & Help

Hey! 0.33 is out for everyone! Goblin Layer is an adult parody game involving humor, nsfw scenes and goblingirls.
0.33 Sigma Grindset Edition (plus bug fixes)
The new quest log does not work with saves before 0.32. You can download a save for 0.32 (main quests completed) here: MEGA link
Remade/upgraded Goblina's foreplay art with better light/quality/posing/post/etc.
Different versions of Goblina foreplay scenes, during the quest and later in the cave.
Upgraded Goblins Layer's helmet textures, very important.
New goblin(woman) with new animated scene! (Look for Grindr on the world map)(it's not what it sounds like)
Compressed a few renders that was unnecessarily large.
Adjusted some dialogue with Gobelyne
Added some sound effects
Health potions heal more
Some new restorables/healing items added & new merchant
Indroducing Grindr (it's not what it sounds like)
Grandma in the main town gives you hints & can change your game/movement speed (If you go way too fast you might break some stuff tho).
Made scene skipping fireplaces more visible. Added option to skip 3rd/Gobsicca dungeon.
Milking cowgirl gives you uh... milk
World map cosmetic changes
Added some sound effects
Added small sum hidden gold outside grindr
Updated silver adventurer hall of fame (credits)
Updated Cheat room
Fixed milk icon
Fixed cheat room door blackscreen
Sometimes anim randomly freezes, but the scene can still continue, currently looking into it.
Buy/Sell button is back again!
Fixed Goblin Layer's equpment slots.
Fixed some bugged dialogue with Gobelyne
Fixed bug with goblins not respawning in grindr
Fixed bug with treasure not respawning in grindr
Fixed bug when image doesnt dissapear after scene
Replaced bugged treasure chests
---Coming Soon(tm)---
Will finish remaking the rest of Golbina's renders including animations. Animations and stuff tend to be a little more complicated.
In-game collectible character cards, like a bio/profile or pinup or whatever it's called
Near Future story events: Goblin Layer will encounter an bandit-ette, and set up a new base of operations, that can be upgraded. The townswomen are becoming hornier. Hanging out with the party members. Once the new base is in place & maybe one more goblingirl dungeon is done, I'm gonna start working on preg gobs.
Try to upgrade nw.js + pixi for better performance, the problem is that certain versions are incompatible with certain plugins, so I need to experiment a bit and see what works.
---Technical Help---
Missing file error? AABlackBackground(or anything else) missing?
Fix: https://mega.nz/file/oNQxWY7B#725lnUkWezEDhqVlFYwwgP8AE25lENBH3BKQnVvHtyo
Usually if youy get a missing file error, you can just copy another file in the same folder and rename it to the missing file.
Got this error? This.plugin[o].destroy is not function... Extract this fix into game folder, only use if you actually got the error. It's rare. Mega
Playng on Android? Some people have reported the game works fine with Joiplay .
Playing on Mac/Linux? You can likely use "index.html" in the www folder to play through your browser.
Get Goblin Layer (NSFW 18+)
Goblin Layer (NSFW 18+)
The unhinged story of an adventurer and his Goblin-Girl obsession.
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