Goblin Layer Version 0.43.6 Free Release!
Randomly stumbled over this? Here's the tldr:
Goblin Layer is an Adult Adventure with a large cast of characters, nsfw humor, erotic animations and more!
Bugfix (Extract into game/datafolder and overwrite): Link
In case some Amazon pics get stuck on screen
Changelog Below
🏯 "Back from my vacation-edition" 🏯
aka "This was released around Xmas originally, which is also when I went on vacation, I haven't actually been on vacations in march - edition"
🏯 Art/Scenes🏯
The Xmas-mini-special from 0.43.5, plus:
Added: in 3D (like without the painting effect) art for all the pinups from the Xmas Mini special
Added: interactive calendars for Goblins/Townspeople*
Added: Some new art for Amazon
🏯 Gameplay🏯
Added a bit of extra gameplay/dialogue for Xmas mini special
Made the Xmas-Mini Special replayable
Added 2 New enemy types
Added two new potions
Added 'Coastal Cave' - New Frontier Conquest mission! (Barrel is gonna have some content there in the future)
Added 'Amazon's Encampment' - New Frontier Conquest mission!
The grandma in Hubtown can reset weird weather conditions
Updated cheat room
Updated Hall of Fame
*You get them after finishing the Xmas-Mini special, if you have already finished it, you can click the green thing in the Town Hall to get them. The same one you use to start the Xmas specials.
🏯 In the near future:🏯
Finishing up Anvil's potion quest!
New quest & content for Barrel! (Delayed until after the new main quest is done, the poll has spoken)
🏯 In the general future:🏯
New adventure in the north!
Child support debt finally increases!
Office space!
I also made a new logo/cover for the game and changed the page design, do you like it?
Get Goblin Layer (NSFW 18+)
Goblin Layer (NSFW 18+)
The unhinged story of an adventurer and his Goblin-Girl obsession.
More posts
- February Status Post22 days ago
- Goblin Layer 0.57.2 Released!23 days ago
- Goblin Layer Released!72 days ago
- Bugfixes for 0.57P!Nov 18, 2024
- Goblin Layer 0.57P Released!Nov 17, 2024
- Bugfix for 0.56.75Oct 18, 2024
- Oktober Status UpdateOct 13, 2024
- Goblin Layer 0.57.75 Release!Oct 12, 2024
- September Status UpdateSep 03, 2024
- Goblin Layer 0.56 + 0.56.5 Release!Sep 02, 2024
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Loading saves seems to be broken. The game doesn't seem to be able to see them. It's just a blank screen and pressing [Load] does nothing.

Saving works, but then you can't load those saves because it can't see them either.
(file3.rpgsave is in the save folder, so it should be appearing.)
Are these saves you copied over from an old versions?
Or if you save in-game it doesn't appear in the menu?
Copied over. It asks if I want to overwrite if I try saving on "File 1".
Also did a brand new save on "File 2" and it shows the same blank screen.
It's the same regardless of it being an old save or new save.
Hmmm. That's tricky, it works when I test it...
Are you running it normally on windows pc?
Something might be blocking the game from 'saving' the saves.
1. try copying over your whole old save folder
2. try putting the game folder on the desktop (if it isn't already) and try to run
3. try to run as admin
Tried those, still the same thing.

Only thing I can think of is maybe because of the popup from when I launch the game?
The profile being from a newer version of NW.js has never been an issue in the past though.
Latest version of that is: 'v0.74.0 - Chromium 111 + Node 19.7.0'.
Yea, that shouldn't be an issue. When you save, is a save file actually created in the folder? My main suspicion is that maybe some anti-virus or permission gets in the way of saving.